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— Xu Lab —

Project Leader, Xu Lab

Cao Xu

Project Leader, Xu Lab

Dr. Xiufang Xin got her bachelor’s degree at China Agricultural University in China in 2008 and, afterwards, pursued her Ph.D. degree at Department of Plant Biology/DOE-Plant Research Laboratory at Michigan State University in USA from 2008 to 2014. Dr. Xin finished her postdoctoral training at Michigan State University in 2017 and joined CEPAMS/ Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology in Shanghai as a group leader starting August of 2017. Dr. Xin has been studying molecular plant-microbe interactions, and specific research areas in her lab include (1) interplay between bacterial pathogenesis and plant immunity, (2) mechanisms of environmental influence on plant diseases and (3) plant-microbiome interactions.

Plant Disease

Plant Disease

Interplay between bacterial parthenogenesis and plant immunity

Environmental Sensing

Environmental Sensing

Mechanisms of environmental influence on plant diseases

Plant Microbiome

Plant Microbiome

Investigating plant-microbiome interactions

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Vangelis Tatsis

Phd Student

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Jeremy Murray

Phd Student

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XiuFang Xin

Lab Manager

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Yang Bai

Phd Student

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Fei Lu

Phd Student